During the Spring semester, current students (except graduating seniors) are assigned housing for the following year through one of the Room Selection processes.  All assignment processes are designed to offer more increasing levels of independence and autonomy as students move through their four years.  Many of the application processes and the Lottery are seniority-based.  Different options are recommended for each class year based on connections to other students, interests, and available room configurations.   We encourage you to review the eligibility requirements and information specific to your class year so you can approach the process prepared and with reasonable expectations.

Data from Fall 2024 Room Selection


Rising Seniors

Rising seniors have the most options in regards to their potential housing assignments. For your senior year, you may apply to be released from the College housing requirement to live in private off-campus housing. The private off-campus process has its own timeline for eligibility and release. It is important that you follow the procedure and stay up to date on all information that is sent out during the Fall semester.

Like all students, you may choose to become affiliated with a Living Group (e.g. Greek chapter housesMonroe Neighborhood HouseGrossman House, or Special Interest Houses).  Or you can select a room through lottery in a variety of options, including off-campus houses and apartments, on-campus apartment style living, traditional living spaces, single rooms on traditional style floors or the privately-owned Tator North and McCartney South. If you elect to live with a group or by yourself, you will be able to select during the Lottery event for your group size.  Consult the room dimensions and floor plans page to better research specific spaces within the residence halls. Review the Timelines for all important dates.

If you are abroad during the spring semester and plan to participate in the Lottery, either you or someone else in your mutually matched roommate group can select through the on-line Lottery process.

Rising Juniors

As a rising Junior, you will have a greater array of housing options than in previous years, whether you are a member of a living group, pursue one of the various Housing Application processes, or participate in Lottery.

Many juniors who are members of fraternities or sororities live in their Greek Chapter House.  Others apply to live in a thematic living group (e.g. Monroe Neighborhood HouseGrossman House, or Special Interest House). Please see the Timeline for more information about these processes.

If you wish to live with or close to a group of your friends , you can participate in the the Lottery event for your group size. Options, based on availability, include traditional residence halls, suites and apartments (including the new McCartney II units), college-owned off campus houses, the privately-owned Tator North and McCartney South.   Additionally, the chance of choosing a single room improves. Consult the room dimensions and floor plans page to better research specific spaces within the residence halls. Review the Timeline for all important dates.

If you who plan on studying abroad in the Fall of your Junior year, you will not participate in a Housing Application or Lottery process. Instead, you will be contacted indicate your Spring semester housing preferences and will receive an assignment at the end of the Fall semester, when spring vacancies are confirmed.

Rising Sophomores

As a rising sophomore, you should expect to live with a roommate(s).  Assistance is available if you need help connecting with a potential roommate. We have a 2-pronged approach.  The first is to talk with your RA to let them know you are looking for a match. The RAs are usually in the best position to know who is looking for a roommate and will help you get connected. If that doesn’t lead to a match, then we will match you with a classmate using the information provided in your first-year housing application.  You will have the chance to update these preferences prior to the matching. It is not uncommon for rising sophomores to seek assistance with roommate matching.

You have the opportunity for the first time to join a thematic Living Group. You may apply to live in Grossman House or form a Monroe Neighborhood House. There are also several Special Interest House options and Lavender Lane; you should speak to the student leadership of the Special Interest House to inquire about securing a space on their housing roster. Upper-level Wellness housing is also available by application.

The Housing Lottery is based on a class year priority system, therefore, as a rising sophomore, you can expect to have fewer options than your older peers. For example, it is rare that a rising sophomore can select a single room during lottery. Most sophomores live in doubles on traditional style floors. You will enter the lottery event for your group size.  If it is important that you live close to your friends, we recommend getting together with a group of 4 or 6 students to select blocks of adjacent double bedrooms during the 4-person or 6 & 7 person lotteries.  Groups can be mixed gender.

Please consult the Room Dimensions and Floor Plans page for specific information related to residence hall options. Rising sophomores may also have the chance to select the privately-owned McCartney South semi-suites.  Please consult the Timeline for more information.

You should also be aware that not all spaces will be available to pick in Lottery as some need to be withheld until the new first year students are housed over the summer.  As a result, some rising sophomores with later lottery start times will not select a room at lottery. Instead, you would immediately be placed on the housing waitlist and WILL receive a housing assignment over the summer.

If you plan on studying abroad in the Spring of your Sophomore year, you should discuss this with your intended roommates so they can be prepared for the potential of a new roommate come spring semester.