Lafayette College’s policies are designed to create an atmosphere that supports a healthy and productive living and learning environment. They also align with state, local, and federal guidelines. You are responsible for abiding by all policies outlined in the Housing Contract and the Student Handbook so it is strongly suggested that you read them.

Here are the policies about which we most often get questions

AC approval & installation

Students residing in non-air-conditioned facilities are not permitted to bring their own air-conditioner unit to campus. However, students with a documented medical condition or disability may be approved for air conditioning by submitting documentation from the student’s family doctor to the Bailey Health Center. Once approved, the student will be directed to Facilities Operations to complete the process.  Only Facilities Operations Staff is permitted to install AC units in college-owned properties.


Students who are twenty-one (21) years of age or older are permitted to possess and consume single-serving alcoholic beverages in the privacy of their residence hall rooms (and suite/apartment common areas, if all occupants are over 21).  Regardless of age, open containers of alcohol are not permitted in building lounges or other common areas or outside on College property unless advance permission is granted through the Events with Alcohol policy (Student Handbook). Lafayette College supports all laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Students who violate these laws are also subject to citation by campus or Easton police officers in addition to College sanctions.


You are welcome to bring a bike to campus, please register it with the Public Safety office.  Bicycles may only be stored in individual student rooms or on the outdoor bike racks provided at various locations around campus.  Bicycles left in other locations are subject to removal and being discarded.

Keys and Access Fobs

Your fob and room key is issued specifically to you for access to approved buildings and your assigned room.  For the safety and security of the campus community, these items must not be loaned out nor should access be granted to non-residents.  Lost checkpoints or keys must be immediately reported to Office of Public Safety.  A fee will be assessed for replacement of fobs and keys.


Within your room, you may not use appliances that have open heating elements (e.g. toaster, sandwich grill, coffee pot) or a microwave, with the exception of a Microfridge unit.  Microfridge units may be rented or purchased.

All buildings have at least one kitchen or common cooking area.  These spaces commonly include a sink, microwave, stove top, or stove/oven.  For safety reasons, you must never leave cooking food unattended.  As a courtesy to other residents, when you finish preparing your food, you are expected to clean and remove all personal cooking items (dishes, pots, etc.) and discard waste.

Damages to your Room

You are responsible for any damages that occur to your room or furnishings. If damage is accidental, you must pay repair costs. If damages are the result of vandalism, in addition to the cost of repairs, you may also face disciplinary action.  At move-in, you should complete the Room Verification Form to note the pre-existing condition of your room.

Damages to Residence Hall Common Areas

When hallways, bathrooms, lounges, lounge furniture, and other public facilities in a residence hall receive undue abuse, the residents of that area are expected to assist in identifying the responsible individual(s). When those responsible cannot be identified, all residents may be required to pay a prorated share toward repairing such damages.

Students may file an anonymous report to assist in identifying those who are responsible for community damage.

Damage or Loss to Personal Property

Regardless of cause, damage or loss to personal items in your room, storage closets, or other areas in College housing are not covered under the college’s insurance policy.

For coverage, consult your family homeowner’s or renter’s insurance policy or consider purchasing personal property insurance.

Fire Safety Equipment & procedures

Items may not be affixed to or hung from sprinkler system hardware or taped over any fire safety device. Fire extinguishers mounted in common areas should remain untouched unless needed in an emergency. Anyone identified as tampering with a fire apparatus is subject fines and disciplinary action.

Each time the fire alarm sounds, you must evacuate the residence halls and move to a location away from the building. After the alarm is silenced, permission to re-enter the building will be given by the fire department or Public Safety officials. In addition, all hallways, stairwells, and entryways must be kept clear of personal belongings, furniture, etc. to permit safe egress.


All furniture provided by the College must remain within your residence.  It cannot be stored elsewhere or brought outside.  You are responsible for any damage beyond the normal wear and tear.  You may bring in your own furniture with the understanding that it must be removed upon your departure. Personal furniture may not be left in your residence for a future resident. The College is not responsible for items/furniture left in the residences after Move-Out.


You are permitted to have overnight guests in College housing with advance permission from your roommates. Even if you live in a single bedroom, you must register your overnight guests with the Public Safety Office if your guest is not a currently enrolled Lafayette College student.  Regardless of whether guests are non-Lafayette students or other currently enrolled students, the host student is responsible for the conduct of their guests, including damages caused by them.  Overnight guests must be at least 16 years old.

Lost Keys and Lock-outs

At check-in, you will be issued a room key. For the security of your belongings and the safety of you and your roommate, you are expected to lock your door. If you lose your key, please report it to the Office of Public Safety as soon as possible. There is a lock change charge for key replacement during the semester. Failure to return your key at move-out will result in a $100 fine in addition to the lock change fee.  If you get locked out of your room, contact the Office of Public Safety for re-entry. There is a fee for this service.


You may have pet fish in no larger than a 10 gallon aquarium.  Any other animals are not permitted in College housing (even to visit) with the exception of those approved through the office of accessibility services and service animals.


Each residential community includes a public posting area where students or organizations may post flyers and ads.  Postings must use approved fasteners (3M products or poster putty on walls, staples or push pins on bulletin boards ie. no duct tape) and must adhere to the College’s Policy on Distribution of Literature.   Posting is not permitted on the exterior doors or any other surface or area.  Improperly posted flyers will be removed.

Prohibited Items

For fire safety reasons, there are several types of items not permitted in the residence halls.  Please do not bring wax burners or candles – even for decoration. Also prohibited are microwaves (unless part of a Microfridge unit) and any appliance with an opening heating element (e.g. toaster, traditional coffee maker).  For full description of items that you should not bring to campus, please see the Housing Contract and the Student Handbook.

Quiet Hours

In order to support communal sleeping/studying environments, universal residence hall quiet hours are in effect 10 p.m. to 8 a.m. on weekdays and midnight to 10 a.m. on weekends. Courtesy hours are in effect at all times. No sound equipment may be placed in or near open windows.  During final exam period, 24-hour quiet hours are in effect.

Restricted Areas

Students are not permitted to access roofs, ledges, basements, attics, mechanical closets, or other restricted areas.  Windows may not be used as non-emergency means to exit or enter a room or building.  All attics and basements of college-owned residences are locked and are not available or permitted for storage or student use.

Sales and Solicitation

To insure students’ safety and privacy, the College has strict guidelines governing promotions or sales on campus. Door-to-door solicitation from either external or internal entities is prohibited and should be reported immediately. This prohibition includes fundraising by College organizations.


All residence halls are smoke-free; including e-cigarettes. If you wish to smoke, you must go outside and stand away from building entrances and ground-floor windows.  Cigarette butts, etc. should be discarded in designated smoker stations.