Housing Applications refer to the processes by which eligible individual students or groups of students secure housing through an application.  Students who are assigned housing through a Housing Application process may not participate in a Lottery Event or be assigned through any other assignment process.  Students who withdraw from an assignment made through one these Housing Application processes will be reassigned over the summer through the wait list.  Students who are not accepted into a process will be able to participate in subsequent Processes.


Grossman House for Global Perspectives

The Grossman House community is comprised of 25 citizens representative of international students, domestic students that have studied abroad, and domestic students that have a strong interest in globalization but have not studied abroad.  This combination of backgrounds brings together students who have had different experiences but who share a common interest in understanding globalization.

Grossman Citizens represent a variety of academic majors and application is open to currently enrolled rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors.  The Grossman House Application must be submitted through the Residence Life OurCampus group by the deadline.

After acceptances are finalized, Residence Life will manage room and suite assignments using the same class-year priority system as the regular room lottery (rising-seniors have preference, etc) and giving preference to returning citizens.  While applicants may specify a preferred roommate on the application form, apartments will be filled to promote the integration of students from different backgrounds and experiences.  Apartments and bedrooms within Grossman may be gender-inclusive.  Occupancy is primarily double bedrooms within five-, and six-person apartments which contain a private kitchen, bathroom, and furnished common area.

The Monroe Neighborhood

Students interested in establishing a Monroe House will submit an application outlining a proposed topic of interest and supporting program ideas.   Applicants are expected to review the Monroe Neighborhood Expectations before applying.  A vital step is to obtain support from a faculty member or administrator who has an interest and/or expertise in your topic.  All houses in the Monroe Neighborhood are substance-free.

  • Houses must fill to occupancy with three students.  Groups of six are also welcome to establish two side by side Houses.
  • One application should be submitted for the group through the Residence Life OurCampus group by the deadline.
  • Eligible applicants will have a cumulative GPA of 2.50 or above and not actively on any level of Disciplinary Probation nor have ever been on Disciplinary Probation Level II.

Wellness Housing- 2 step process

This is an opportunity for students to live with fellow residents who share a focus on creating balance in their life and promoting overall well-being.  Members commit to maintaining a substance-free living environment.  Traditional upper-level wellness housing is located in Keefe Hall and Ramer Hall.

Self-Directed Wellness housing is located in off-campus houses and is available for juniors and seniors who have previously lived in a traditional wellness community and wish to increase their independence and autonomy.  Off-campus eligibility requirements apply.


  • Step One:  Each student must complete the Wellness application in MyHousing by the deadline to register for the Wellness Lottery Event.
  • Step Two: The Lottery event.  Priority in selection is given to students with prior residency in a wellness community and then in class-year seniority order. Please see the Housing Lottery page for details.

Roommate Matching

If you are looking to live with a roommate or group of people in an application process that runs through MyHousing, you will need to complete the roommate matching steps. Only fully matched roommate groups where each person has submitted a corresponding application will be assigned through this process.  Roommate matching is done through MyHousing.  Review the step by step instructions(pdf) for assistance.

Timeline for Housing Application Processes

February 15:
All Housing Applications available
**in MyHousing:  Commuter, Wellness Community
**in OurCampus:  Grossman House, Monroe Neighborhood

March 24:
Commuter, Grossman House, Monroe Neighborhood,  and Wellness application deadline

March 27:
Grossman House, Monroe Neighborhood, and Commuter notification

March 31:
Wellness Community lottery (see Lottery page)