Semester closing: Students are to bring all of the items that they want to store to the designated storage area of their choice during the posted hours. These hours will be established and posted on the Residence Life website. Specific drop-off hours will be scheduled at the end of the spring semester and may be scheduled at the end of the fall semester. Students who arrive to the storage areas outside of these designated hours will not be able to access the closet.
During the fall or spring semester when there is no published access schedule: To access storage during these times, students must make an individual appointment with a Resident Advisor. Students on campus for the semester should not leave or place any items in storage. All items need be removed by May 1 to prepare the closets for Summer Storage. Items that have not been picked up by May 1 are subject to being discarded or donated. Students may not arrange appointments to place items into storage prior to the first published day of Summer Storage access in May (typically, the last day of classes).
Residence Life staff will close individual closets if they become full. If a closet is “closed” no additional items will be accepted into it.
Due to the number of items that have been left unclaimed in the past and the need to empty storage areas each year for future student usage, unidentified or unlabeled items will be discarded or donated.
It is ultimately the responsibility of the individual student placing his/her items in storage to follow these procedures. Therefore, do not leave any items in storage without completing a Storage Agreement form and appropriately labeling all items.
Semester opening: Students are to arrive at the location where their items are stored during the published storage hours. These hours will be established by the Office of Residence Life and posted on the website. Specific pick-up hours will be scheduled at the beginning of the fall semester and may be scheduled at the beginning of the spring semester. Students who arrive to the storage areas outside of these designated hours will not be able to access the closet.
During the fall and spring semester: Items may also be picked-up between September 1– December 1 and February 1– March 15. To access storage during this period, students must make an individual appointment with a Resident Advisor. Items that have not been picked up by May 1 are subject to being discarded or donated.