The Monroe Neighborhood is an off-campus living and learning community where students assume responsibility for creating their own educational opportunities around an identified theme. Houses fall into one of two categories: resident-centered or group-centered. A resident-centered house focuses on a topic created by the students and is not connected to a larger program or organization. Programs are designed for the residents of the house. A group-centered house may be connected to a larger program or organization where the residents of the house not only explore the topic independently but also sponsor activities to engage fellow students.

House members are expected to actively participate in the creation of a program plan and take the initiative to implement their ideas. Housemates may be from any academic major; in fact, Monroe Houses provide an opportunity for students to explore inter-disciplinary topics and be exposed to intellectual interests outside their academic major. Through participation in a Monroe House, residents have the opportunity to develop habits that support an active approach to life-long learning.

Each Monroe House is advised by at least one faculty member or administrator. These faculty sponsors offer advice and guidance in the development of formal house programs and informal opportunities to learn about the theme. The House receives a program budget from the Office of Residence Life. Assistance with managing, budgeting, program planning, and other aspects of implementing the house learning objective is provided by Residence Life staff. Houses are approved on a year-to-year basis through an application process.

The aptly named Monroe Neighborhood Houses are located in 3 person college-owned off-campus substance free houses on Monroe Street (near the Kirby Sports Center). Each house is fully furnished and includes ample space for hosting events in the living room, preparing meals in the full-size kitchen, and interacting with neighbors in the backyard.

Houses in the Monroe Neighborhood are Room Rate 3 housing options. Successful applicants to the Monroe Neighborhood will be assigned into a house on the street at the discretion of the Office of Residence Life – there is not a process or lottery to select specific units.

Current Monroe Neighborhood Houses 2024 - 2025

Book Club House
Cycling House
Dog House
Family Game Night
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Gingerbread House
Global Arts and Media Appreciation
La Casita
Molecular Gastronomy
Painting with a Purpose
Spirituality and Transformation House
Sustainability (The Tree House)
Tea House
Women in Medicine
Queer Women in STEM (QWIS)

Past Monroe Neighborhood Houses 2012 - 2024

African House
American Chemical Society
American Film
American Music AMP House
Audio & Visual Arts
Aviation Research Committee (ARC)

Book Club
Breakthrough in Engineering & Society Today Brothers of Lafayette

Chemical Engineering
Civic Engagement
Classic Civilizations
Classical Music
Cooking and Baking
Creative Writing
Crossroads (Gender & Sexuality)

Dear Lafayette Coalition

Economics & Society Engineering Finance

Film & Media Studies
Folk Music

Geological Society of Lafayette
Global Film and Identities
Global Foods
Globalization of Music
Green House

Healthy Living House
Health Professions
Hispanic Society of Lafayette
History of Global Cuisine

Interfaith/Religious Studies
International Business/Conduct
International Film
International Politics

Java-Jam Coffee House


Literature Appreciation

Mind and Body Health House

Natural Disaster Relief

NIA House

Outdoors House


Refugee and Immigrant Studies

Scholar-Athlete House
Science Fiction
Social Justice House
Spanish Culture House
Stadium Design

The Tent (Christian Fellowship House)

U.S. Politics

Wall Street

Women+ in Physics
Women in Science & Engineering
Women in Sports
Women on Wall Street

The ZEN House

Requirements & Expectations

Members of Living Learning Community Program of Monroe Neighborhood are students with a GPA of 2.5+ and want to take the initiative to create their own learning opportunities.

With the support of the faculty/staff sponsor and Residence Life staff, members plan and participate in various house events.


SPRING [prior to living in Monroe Neighborhood]

  • Meet with faculty advisor and other house members to discuss expectations & brainstorm list of possible house events
  • Submit house application on OurCampus
    • One member will submit an application for the group. Each member will review the application and approve its contents.
  • Review educational materials about off-campus living

FALL/SPRING [while living on Monroe]

  • With housemates, meet with the Residence Life staff member advising the community once a month.
  • With housemates, meet with the house advisor once a month.
  • With housemates, sponsor at least 2 house events per month.
  • Communicate regularly with faculty & Residence Life staff member.
  • Submit program documentation and other administrative paperwork by deadlines.
  • Participate in neighborhood activities to foster a sense of community.
  • Maintain a substance-free house (regardless of the age of residents, no drugs or alcohol is permitted in the house. By Easton ordinance and college policy, open alcohol is also prohibited from the porches and grounds surrounding the houses).
  • Prepare presentation summarizing house accomplishments and year-end reflections.  (spring semester)