• Be sure you plan to arrive at the appointed day and time. Your arrival will run smoothly if we are expecting you.  If you have permission to move in early, review the early arrival information and communications from your group/team leader.
  • Coordinate room furnishings with your roommate to prevent doubling up.
  • As you customize your room to your liking, you may be interested in changing the height of your bed, lofting it, or even bunking it with your roommate. If this is something you wish to do, please take a look at this brief how-to video that explains how to adjust your bed height.
  • Arrange optional services (e.g. microfridge). Be sure to discuss this with your roommate as well. (Internet service is not provided in college-owned off campus houses and apartments)
  • Pack what you’ll need – use this Packing Essentials list as a guide.
  • The College uses extra-long twin mattresses.
  • If you are traveling from a distance and must ship your personal belongings, send them to your campus box. Due to limited post office storage space, items shipped should not arrive earlier than 5 days prior to your move-in.
  • If you placed items in college storage – Ruef, Keefe, or Ramer Study Abroad – please refer to our storage website for pickup dates and times. A staff member will be present during the listed hours to grant access to the closet. If your items are stored in a temp closet location, please email Ken Burns directly. If your items are stored in a Chapter House, McKelvy, or Grossman, etc., please reach out to your RA for storage access.


Park to avoid traffic congestion.

First-years: After you unload in front of your residence hall, move vehicle to parking deck/lot or location designated by Public Safety. Fill out the Move-in Parking Tag before you arrive.

Returning/transfer students: please park in a designated space/lot near your residence hall and walk to Farinon Center.

Check-in at your designated location:

First-year students – outside your residence hall

Transfer students – Farinon Center

Returning students – Farinon Center

Sign out your key.

ALL students will receive a checkpoint tag for residence hall access. Hold on to it—you will keep this tag until you graduate!

Head to your building and meet your RA (if you’re on-campus).

When prompted, complete your Room Verification form in MyHousing as a record of pre-existing conditions to avoid damage billing at move out.