All Residence Life storage space is on a first-come, first-served basis. Please make your plans for storage early. Once all the main spaces are full, there are not other closets for students to utilize.

When you return to campus, access to Residence Life storage is not available on-demand. Please plan accordingly to only store items in our closets that will not be needed in your first or last 24 hours on campus.

Off Campus Storage

Please follow the link for more information about off campus storage:

August 2025 - Summer Storage Pick-Up Schedule

For Fall 2025, storage pickups will occur on Move-In weekend and select week nights prior. A staff member will be present at the storage closet to grant access at this time. Please refer to the chart below to see what days/times pickups are offered.

To request an appointment to access items stored in a college-owned Greek chapter house, please contact the Resident Advisor of the house, or email Ken Burns,

To request an appointment to access items stored in McKelvy House or Grossman House basements, please contact the RA of those facilities, or email Ken Burns, for assistance in making contact.

For inquiries related to items stored through the International Students Association (ISA), please contact Janine Block,

None of our Residence Life managed storage areas are accepting new items at this time.

Essential information about storage policies and procedures can be found here.

***Note – these storage times are subject to change as they are scheduled around our student staff training schedule/availability.

8/17 Sunday 9-10pm Staff member will be present. No appointment necessary.
8/18 Monday 9-10pm Staff member will be present. No appointment necessary.
8/19 Tuesday No storage offered this evening.
8/20 Wednesday 9-10pm Staff member will be present. No appointment necessary.
8/22 Friday 8-9pm Staff member will be present. No appointment necessary.
8/23 Saturday 10am-12pm 2pm-4pm Staff member will be present. No appointment necessary.
8/24 Sunday 10am-12pm 2pm-4pm Staff member will be present. No appointment necessary.

May 2025 - Summer Storage Drop-off Schedule

Storage sign-ups will open the last week in April. This signup is for KEEFE and RUEF basement closets. A sign on the storage closet will indicate when / if it is full, and the information will be updated here. Please see off-campus storage options for any storage needs. Essential information about storage policies and procedures can be found here.

Storage is for students who are traveling quite a distance home that may not have the ability to transport all of their items with them, such as traveling by air, train, or another form of public transportation. (ie. flying home to California)

It is important to note that storage is incredibly limited. Students wishing to utilize storage should be mindful it is a first come first serve basis. Students who do not schedule an appointment and show up for storage will be turned away.

Once items are in storage, they will not be accessible again until move-in weekend in August 2025. Student items will not be available upon request.

If all of the closets are full, please review our page of Off-Campus Storage Options for more information.

Below are the links to sign-up for storage. Please complete your sign-up 24hrs in advance of your desired storage date as the form will close at that time. You cannot sign up for storage later that same day, you must plan in advance. Once a form is closed, or is no longer accepting appointments for that evening, the link will be removed with the website to be updated the following business day.

Monday 5/12 – Keefe : Ruef

Wednesday 5/14 – Keefe : Ruef

Friday 5/16 – Keefe : Ruef

Saturday 5/17 – Keefe : Ruef

Sunday 5/18 – Keefe : Ruef

Monday 5/19 – Keefe : Ruef