Because Lafayette is a residential college, students are required and expected to live in College housing for the entirety of their undergraduate experience. Fewer than 15% of seniors live off-campus.  Most off-campus students are seniors who reside in College-Owned Off-Campus houses.

Each year the College permits a small number of Eligible rising seniors to be Released from their Housing Contract to secure Private Off-Campus housing (housing not owned by/affiliated with the College) for the upcoming year.  Releases are based on anticipated enrollment in excess of College housing capacity.  Often, the number of eligible students is greater than the number of releases given.  Unless a student receives a written “Release” from the College, they are not authorized to secure private housing or a lease for an off-campus residence in place of their College Housing Contract. 

The Priority Private Off-Campus Housing Process (Priority Process) enables current members of the junior class to become Eligible for possible release to seek Private Off-Campus (POC) housing for their senior year.

On December 1st, all currently enrolled members of the junior class (as determined by the Registrar’s Office) will be automatically enrolled in the Priority Private Off-Campus Process SPACES site.  The SPACES site contain specific information, instructions, link to priority quiz, and the process timeline.

The first week in February is the earliest students will be approved for Private off-campus release.

Access to the site for those not currently part of the current junior class (e.g. current seniors who will return for an additional semester/year, or those planning to appeal class year status) can be requested by contacting


To become fully Eligible for the Priority Process, students must be currently enrolled and:

  • Complete and earn 100% on the Priority Off-campus Quiz (link to the quiz through the Spaces site)
  • Have had a 2.5 cumulative GPA as of the beginning of the spring semester their junior year
  • Be a member of the current junior class (as determined by the Registrar’s Office) as of the beginning of the spring semester
  • Not be on Disciplinary Probation Level I (at time of Eligibility determination or Release) and have never been on Disciplinary Probation Level II while a student at Lafayette College
  • Not have another required housing assignment for the next (senior) academic year. (ex. chapter house or other living group rosters)

All intended roommates must meet all eligibility requirements for the Priority Process to be part of a POC group. Students who are released for POC may not “pull-in” ineligible roommates to their group.

*Members of the junior class who are on a leave of absence during the spring semester may participate in the process if/when reinstated for the Fall semester.  


Individual students who meet all eligibility criteria will receive a subsequent notice via email that they are fully eligible to continue in the priority process.  Students who meet all requirements by the deadline, will be included in the random process to offer permission for release.


Students who do not meet one or more of the eligibility requirements and want to be included in the Priority Process, may submit an appeal.  Deadlines for submission and instructions will be posted on the SPACES site.


Students who would like opportunity to pursue Private Off-Campus housing must become ELIGIBLE by the deadline (posted in the SPACES site) in order to be considered for a RELEASE.  Eligible students will be randomized (akin to the housing lottery) and we will offer RELEASES until the approved number is reached.  The number of releases we can extend is based on projected enrollment.  Based on the amount of interest received, it is possible that not all interested and eligible students will be released in a given year.  Students who are not selected for POC release or decline their offered release will be able to participate in any other subsequent college housing application and lottery processes.

A local landlord list will be available on the SPACES site for reference. This list includes many current rentals by our students and any new contacts the office has had with landlords interested in renting to our students.

STUDENTS MAY NOT SIGN A LEASE (OR CONTRACT), ENTER INTO A VERBAL CONTRACT, OR MAKE A FINANCIAL COMMITMENT TO A RENTAL UNIT UNLESS OFFICIALLY RELEASED BY THE OFFICE OF RESIDENCE LIFE THROUGH THIS PROCESS. Students who secure private leases outside of this process will not be excused from their College housing obligation.  They will remain responsible for the full cost of their housing contract with the College for the academic year and may be referred for Student Code of Conduct charges.