Summer Housing Applications will be accepted through May 31, 2025. Priority Deadline is May 1, 2025.

Summer housing is offered as an extension of academic year housing for enrolled students who will be engaged in a College sponsored or approved program (e.g. research, coursework, internship, employment).  Summer Housing is designed to be a more independent experience. Students should be prepared to cook and clean for themselves, access local services, and use available resources to meet their own needs. Reflecting the smaller number of students on campus each summer, College services and hours of operation for many offices are limited.  Student Involvement and Residence Life will offer program opportunities for students and we anticipate that while here, students’ priority will be their research, coursework, internship, campus job, etc.

All conditions of the Code of Student Conduct and the academic year Housing Contract apply to students living in residence.  Summer housing residents are responsible for adhering to the policies and procedures described in these publications and the specific summer housing terms and conditions published by the Office of Residence Life.

Summer Housing Timeline

Monday, April 1:  Summer Housing Application and Roommate Matching opens in MyHousing .

Thursday, May 1:  Summer Housing priority deadline.

Friday, May 9:  Assignments for summer housing communicated to priority applicants.

Sunday, May 25:  Summer Housing begins.  Registered students will receive communications with key pick up information.  Assignment to a temporary housing assignment may be required.

Saturday, May 31:  Last Day to apply for Summer Housing.

Sunday, June 8:   Transition to permanent summer housing assignment.  Keys will be issued from noon to 4pm.  Students in temporary summer housing should plan to be present.

Friday, August 8:  Transition to Fall Housing throughout the weekend.  Fall keys will be issued during business hours.

Saturday, August 16:  Summer Housing ends.

  • Summer Housing Applications received after the priority deadline (the last day of spring classes) will take 2-3 business days to process.  There is no option for walk-up or same-day registration. Requests that do not match with approved reasons for being housed on campus during the summer may be refused.
  • Priority consideration for summer housing assignments  and roommates will be given to those who register by the Priority Deadline (last day of spring semester classes). After that date, requests will be accommodated in the order they are received as space is available.
  • Applications will not be accepted in MyHousing after May 31, 2025.
  • Summer housing assignments are made based on class-year seniority, roommate requests, registration by priority deadline, fall assignment, and arrival and departure dates.
  • Students registered to begin summer housing on the day the summer term begins (the day after Commencement) automatically have permission to remain in spring semester rooms through graduation.
  • Prior to the move to permanent summer housing locations in early-June, you may be placed in a temporary summer housing assignment.  When assignment notifications are distributed, information about transition from temporary summer housing to permanent summer housing will be provided to any students who will need to transition.


Summer Buildings

For the 2025 summer housing session*, students will be housed in:

  • Fisher Hall East (apartments, 2, 4, and 7 person occupancy, private kitchens)
  • Fisher Hall West (apartments, 2, 3, and 4 person occupancy, private kitchens)
  • Keefe Hall (single and double rooms, floor kitchens)
  • South College (single and double rooms, floor kitchens)

*During the first weeks of the summer session, while the above buildings are being prepared for occupancy, other residence halls may be used for temporary summer housing.

Personal-size refrigerators may be kept in student rooms. Due to fire safety regulations, cooking in individual student bedrooms is not allowed and appliances such as toaster ovens, hotplates, and microwaves (except those in combination fridge/microwave units manufactured by MicroFridge – see below) are prohibited in student rooms.

Campus Specialties
(800) 525-7307

Summer Roommates

The majority of summer rooms are in doubles and/or apartment-style units; thus, you are encouraged to identify a potential roommate(s).  Students should anticipate the possibility of a roommate or suitemate even if requesting a single space for summer.

Roommate Selection will open in MyHousing on April 1st.  Only FULLY MATCHED roommate groups will be housed together.  Only students who have submitted a Summer Housing application can be found using the search.

Review the step by step instructions(pdf) for assistance.

Summer Room Fee, Billing, and Financial Arrangement Options

Summer housing rates are set for weekly stays (Sunday – Saturday).

The summer housing rate for Summer 2025 is $120 a week (Sunday-Saturday) between Sunday May 25, 2025 until the summer housing ends on Saturday August 16, 2025. (Students continuing directly from Spring into Summer Housing will not be charged for the week of May 20th – 24th).

Housing charges are weekly regardless of which day during the week you arrive or depart.  You must vacate housing by Saturday evening on the last week for which you have registered.  Occupancy of summer housing is defined as possession of a room key and/or occupancy of a residence hall space by self and/or belongings. You should expect to incur additional housing charges for any period:

  • beyond your registered departure dates
  • your belongings remain in your summer room
  • your keys are not returned

Requests for refunds/credits based on a change to departure dates that occur after the first day of occupancy must be made in writing prior to your departure from summer housing.

Students are individually billed for summer housing.   If applicable, a credit will then be applied to the students’ account if the Office of Residence Life receives written notice from a sponsoring department that the fees are being covered by that department.

Housing fees paid by the EXCEL research program, the Gateway Career Center internship program, or other sponsored departmental programs are applied to a specific time frame.  Housing fees assessed outside the time frame or that exceed the amount being sponsored will be charged to the individual student.

Students who remain on campus during the summer term are encouraged to pursue on-campus employment opportunities or work locally.  On-campus jobs are listed on Handshake, the Career Services job posting. 

The fee for summer housing will be due 7/9/2025.  Students who wish to establish specific summer term payment plans may contact

The Office of Financial Aid currently does not offer any additional grant assistance for summer housing. To speak with a staff member about loan options for summer term, please contact

Dean’s loans are for extenuating circumstances and only in cases in which the funds can be repaid. Students eligible for the loan should be employed (e.g. on-campus job/ federal work study/ EXCEL Scholar) so that the loans can be appropriately tracked and returned by the agreed upon date. 

Students who need financial or other support resources related to summer session can contact Bridget Gunn (, Case Manager, who will work to connect students with available resources both on and off-campus.  Housing fees are generally not eligible for student emergency funds. Details about the emergency fund and what is and is not eligible for consideration can be found in the online application.

Summer Amenities


After you receive your summer housing assignment, you may contract for cable TV.

You may rent MicroFridge units for the summer months by contacting Campus Specialties.   1 (800) 525-7307


During the summer session there is no formal meal plan and fewer on-campus dining options.  Dining Services schedules the food service operations and will publicize facility hours.  In addition, several businesses around Easton accept Pard Dollars which can be added online. For questions about summer dining options/operations, please contact Dining Services.


Parking is available during the summer in any student lot (not in staff lots, faculty resident spaces, handicap zones, fire zones and yellow zones).  Vehicles must be registered with the parking office.